Thursday, 10 October 2013

Seabirds grace Norfolk coast

The easterlies are returning! But before they do a spell of high speed North to North Westerlies are battering the North Norfolk coast as we speak, as well as many other areas of the North Sea coast.
This is great news for birders, especially those who enjoy seawatching.

Sooty Shearwater, Great Skua, Arctic Skua, Gannet, Little Gull, Red-Throated Diver, Razorbill, Great-Crested Grebe, Wigeon, Common Scoter and 2 Short-Eared Owls in off were all noted past Cley in just a 50 minute spell. With those birders staying longer enjoying fantastic views of Leach's Petrel.

Also along the coast at Holme, Sheringham and Winterton sea birds have been cropping up in good numbers, especially Sooty Shearwaters.

With the Northerlies set to swing round to North Easterlies through Thursday night and into Friday the picture changes again.

The hope is for more seabird movement but also for an arrival of passerines from Scandinavia and beyond. Perhaps One Stop Nature will repeat on the Yellow-Browed Warbler of a week ago, or perhaps something rarer!

Hopefully many birdwatchers will be able to get out there during these conditions and turn up something special for the rest of us to enjoy. As ever do pop in and report your sightings to us here at One Stop Nature and we will put what you have seen on our sightings board outside the shop.

In the meantime, have a look at the charts below from to see how the winds will change in the next 48 hours, starting at Thursday morning and ending at Saturday morning.

Happy Birding!

One Stop Nature.



Thursday, 3 October 2013

Siberian passerine visits One Stop Nature

As a birdwatcher you can find yourself going all over the country looking for rare birds. But yesterday one of these rare birds decided to visit us here at One Stop Nature.
A Yellow-Browed Warbler, which breeds in Siberia and winters in South East Asia, was heard and then seen yesterday morning by two customers of One Stop Nature.
After another search this petite warbler failed to show again, giving just a couple of blasts of its high pitched "tsoeest" call.
 There has been countless Yellow-Browed Warbler sightings throughout Britain in the last week or so, their arrival boosted by a continuing high pressure and easterly winds.
As ever we welcome any sightings here at One Stop Nature so if you are passing and have seen something interesting do pop in and let us know.
A happy Autumn to all bird watchers out there.